Feeding South Dakota food distribution will be held Friday, January 22 at the Scotland Community Church at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon Fire Hall at 12 noon.
Read moreMichael Cartney, Lake Area Technical College President, announces the current President’s List. The President’s List is a list of outstanding students who, through their initiative and ability, have indicated a seriousness of purpose in their educational program. The President’s List is limited to full-time students who have achieved a semester grade point average of 3.5 to 4.0.
Read moreAs the number of daily COVID-19 cases in our region rises, so does the need for convalescent plasma (CCP) in local hospitals. This month has seen the highest CCP usage since the beginning of the pandemic. As patient hospitalizations continue to increase, it is projected that the amount of CCP needed for treatment will outpace the amount of donations of this lifesaving blood product.
Read moreSenior Ali Sees, daughter of Joe and Janelle Sees and sister to Lauren, Courtney, Easton, and Hudson Sees, was born on December 19, 2002.
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