Last Wednesday March 19th, select groups of Andes Central students traveled to the Prairie Reader competition in Armour. Andes Central sent three teams to the reading competition this year. Second grade: Evyn Frederick, Zeke Bruguier, Kashton Hart, Ezra Arrow, Tatem Drappeau, and Ian Long. Third grade: Jeri Ann Bender, Kharis Dion, and Nevaeh Little. Fifth grade: Addisyn Deurmier, Bella Johanneson, Madelyn Ronfeldt, Ella Swanson, Demi Rouse, and Kateline Derry.
Read moreOver one hundred years ago, the gold mining industry of South Africa had a problem: too many workers were dying from pneumonia. They turned to Dr. Almorth Wright, a British physician who had successfullycreatedavaccineagainsttyphoidfever thatsavedcountlesslivesofBritishsoldiersinWorld War I and other wars. Wright and his colleagues developed an inoculation of killed pneumococci bacteria which resulted in a substantial reduction of cases of pneumonia and death in the miners.
Read moreAvon held their spring concert on Thursday, March 20 with Mr. Sexe and Mrs. Schultz directing.
Read moreYou can’t go far without seeing some sign of agriculture in South Dakota – it’s the lifeblood of our state. Advocating for the farm and ranch families in our state is one of my top priorities as a U.S. senator. I’m proud to be a voice for these hardworking South Dakotans who carry on an important way of life that helps feed and fuel our country and the world.
Read moreThe main run of the 100th Legislative Session concluded Thursday, March 13, with the passage of Senate Bill 220, the budget for South Dakota Fiscal Year 2026. The total budget is about 7.3 billion dollars which includes 3.1 billion dollars in Federal funds. Funding for South Dakota Public Broadcasting and the State Library was kept intact despite proposed cuts by the previous executive branch.
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Read morePIERRE, S.D. – Elderly and disabled South Dakotans have until April 1, 2025, to apply for property tax relief under South Dakota’s Assessment Freeze for the Elderly and Disabled Program.
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