The Avon Lady Pirate Volleyball team has put in a lot of workoverthesummerinorder to get ready for this year’s season. Amy Tyler was invited to host a two-day skills camp to help sharpen the players’ skill setsandopengymswereaconstant throughoutthesummer.
Read moreTheLadyPiratestraveledto Alexandria last week to start their volleyball season at the Hanson - Early Bird Tournament.
Read moreOn June 1st Lavender Lane changed ownership. It is now owned and operated by Mackenzie Havranek with a slight name change to Lavender Lane Design + Boutique. Mackenzie has always been into fashion, clothing and being creative which is why purchasing Lavender Lane was a good fit for her. Havranek worked for the previous owner, Kara Frei, for almost a year before purchasing the business. There was a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 30th and grand opening on July 1st.
Read morePresident Elect Jordan Weber officiated at the August 16th meeting of the Wagner Rotary Club. He was judged to have done well when ringing the Rotary Bell to bring the members to order. It was obvious we are well into the summer season as there were five members absent for the meeting. There was one guest, Jeanette Doom who was present with her son Jeff Doom.
Read moreAmerican Legion Greer Post #11 held its monthly meeting on August 17, 2023 with 29 members and eleven guests in attendance. John Crisman introduced his guest, Clark Crisman. John Slaba introduced his guest, brother Larry Slaba. Also in attendance were Legion and Teener coaches Matt Slaba and Sam Metzger. The coaches introduced six of their members who are in attendance tonight; Matt Link, Teddy Slaba, Corbin Slaba, brothers Brady, Joey and Carter Cournoyer and their father Joey. The coaches gave a brief rundown of their respective seasons and also a “thank you” for the Legion’s commitment to the program. Commander Clayton Rados then thanked the cooks for the delicious meal. Chaplain Don Kotab gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members. Commander Rados then called the meeting to order.
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