On Thursday September 28th the seniors and juniors tookatriptoMitchellforacareer fair. They started off the day by going to DWU where they got an opportunity to visit and ask about different colleges at their designated tables.AfterDWUtheyheaded tothefairgroundsanddid kind of the same thing, but there were more interactive activities, like they could play little minigames to win prizes such as T-shirts, hats, sunglasses, etc. They also gathered tickets if they were interactive and asked questions.Theticketsthatthey got, depending on how many they got, determined the prize they could get before they had to leave.
Read moreAvon Lady Pirates traveled to Centerville last Thursday, October 12 where they took the win 3-0.
Read moreThe Sweet Clover 4-H club met October 8 at 6 p.m. The Ferwerda family hosted. President Maddy called the meeting to order. Flag Pledges were led by Hailey. Ten members were present. The secretary's report was given by Rilyn. Hailey motioned to approve the report, seconded by Josie. The treasurer's report was given by Carmindy. Whitley motioned to approve the report, seconded by Hailey.
Read moreFeeding South Dakota food distribution will be held Friday, Oct. 27 at the Scotland Community Church at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon Fire Hall at 12 noon.
Read moreThe annual District 8 Fall Meeting of the South Dakota AmericanLegionwillbeheldSunday,October22,inSpringfield for Legionnaires from Yankton, Douglas, Clay, Charles Mix, Bon Homme and Turner counties.
Read moreKenneth Edward Voigt, 78, passedawaySeptember25,2023. Ken was born in Avon to Milton and Doris (Hinckley) Voigt on July19,1945.HejoinedtheSouth Dakota National Guard in 1962 andgraduatedfromAvonPublic School in 1963. After graduating he attended basic training in Ft Ord,CA,markingthebeginning of a long career in the military. Kenwasmarriedtwiceinhislife. He was married to Doris Dummer from 1970 until 1977 and had one child, Monica. He then married Sharon Fernau in 1978 until 2008 and had a son, Dean.
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