In the morning, students perform daily tasks like lunchcountandpencilsharpening. After the flag pledge, they have Pirate Time with the 4th graders, where they work on reading skills. The day then moves to music or P.E., depending on the day of the week, with Scholastic News on Fridays. The rest of the morning is spent doing Language Arts. The afternoon curriculum includes mathandscience,witheither library or guidance. Friday afternoons are dedicated to art. The part of the day the third graders enjoy the best is the three recesses they get.
Read moreKindra Elaine Mixon was born on November 3rd, 2005. Her parents are Shawn and Penny Mixon. Kindra has two siblings, her sister Kalee and brother Kaden. Kindra’s favorite class is chemistry because she likes to do anything with science and it is challenging. The most challenging task that she faces as a senior is having to take all of her hardest classes in the morning periods. In her spare time, Kindra likes to make bracelets, listen to music, anddosomewriting.The mostinspirationalquotethat shelivesbyis“Peoplecry,not because they are weak. It is because they’ve been strong for too long.” – Johnny Depp Some of Kindra’s favorite highschoolactivitiesinclude track, choir, and attending sports events and school activities. Kindra’s proudest moment is maintaining a GPA higher than 3.5 during thestruggleofCOVID.Someone who is a role model to Kindra is her dad, he teaches her a lot of great life lessons. High school has prepared Kindra for the outside life because it teaches kids how to think critically, ask deeper questions, and challenge themselves among other people.Whenaskedwhatshe will miss most about AHS, she stated, “I will miss my friends the most. The thing I will remember about AHS is the great relationships I have made with many of my classmates and other classes.”
Read moreThe regular meeting of the Avon Board of Education will be held Monday, December 11th at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room.
Read moreThe Avon December Veteran of the month is Charles Bryan. Bryan is a Veteran of the Korean War. He began his service February 26th of 1952 serving two years until being honorably discharged February 9th of 1954. Charles didbothhisbasictrainingand artillery training at Ft. Bliss in TX. Bryan was trained as a cannoneer. After completing his training, Charles left Fort Bliss for a two-week rest and recuperation (R & R). In the two weeks that he returned home, he used his time wisely and married his beautiful wife, Joanne (Fry) before he was sent overseas to Germany.
Read moreIn a letter to his future wife, Mary Jo, in 1954, Colonel RobertPaulMonforesent adrawinganddescriptionof the dream house he wanted tobuildher. In1982,hemade thatdreamareality. Lovingly nicknamed The Bunker, Hilltop Haven is nestled between Avon and Wagner approximately a mile away from the Missouri River. It is a poured concrete, earth sheltered home making it environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The home is cave-like in that it is actually built into the side of thehill. Skylightshavebeen added to allow more natural light into windowless rooms and an updated heating and cooling system has been added in addition to the heat provided by the beautiful stonefireplacewhichidcomprised ofstoneshand-picked by the Monfores. Because it is built into the side of the hill and made of concrete, to run any of the electrical and plumbing there is a tunnel that was created in order to add to or fix any wiring or plumbing problems that may arise.
Read moreSouth Dakota has been drawingtheblueprintforstateled response to the threat from Communist China. The Biden Administration’s failure to protect Americans from nations that hate us has required states to do the job themselves. We’vetakenstepstosecureour state from Communist China, including banning TikTok on state devices. But we can’t continue without some federal legislation.
Read moreBonHomme/AvonWrestlers traveled to Wagner November
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