Wagner/BonHommeGymnasts traveled to Vermillion Saturday, December 2nd to compete in the Winter Wonderland 10-Team tournament.
Read moreThe Wagner Community School’s current seniors were asked to attend a post-graduation planning and training program sponsored by the Wagner Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, November 29th. The event was planned and put together by Dana Sanderson with the help of the Wagner Chamber of Commerce and the Yankton Sioux Tribe.
Read moreThousands of high school senior scholar-athletes graduating with the class of 2024 from 4,129 different schools across the country applied for the scholarship earlier this fall. From this talented group of accomplished, community-minded young men and women, more than 4,878 have earned the honor of becoming School Winners in the Heisman High School Scholarship competition awarded by The Heisman Trophy Trust.
Read moreWagner Oral Interp competed in the State Competition in Harrisburg Friday, December 1st and Saturday, December 2nd. Friday afternoon, Reader’s Theatre performed and brought home a Superior Award. Reader’s Theatre included senior Trenton Rolston, Juniors Jackson Rolston, Presley Slaba, Macee Stimpson and 8th grader Taya Stone. Friday evening, Presley Slaba performed her storytelling piece. Saturday morning, Jackson Rolston performed his non-original piece. Saturday afternoon, Jackson also performed his humor piece, bringing home another Superior medal. Senior Jennifer Barnett performed her Poetry piece Saturday afternoon, also, winning a Superior award. Wagner Community School was a recipient of the Team Excellence Award! These kids have been working hard since August on their pieces and have put a lot of time, effort, and energy into memorizing, practicing, perfecting, and performing their pieces! Wagner Oral Interpretation has had a strong season, bringing home awards at various meets, including Brandon Valley, Regions and State.
Read moreThe Wagner boys’ basketball team has their 2023-2024 season opener on Friday, December 8th away against Winner with the “C” team game starting at 4:00 p.m.
Read moreOur first tournament action took place in Kimball for the KWLPG invitational. We competed with 12 teams and finished in 4th place. The Raiders had four in the finals and finished with one champ on the day. Gannon Knebel topped the podium for his first career first-place tournament finish. Karstyn Lhotak, Riley Roberts and Jhett Breen finished in second place. On another note, Carlin Hopkins, Exavian Aungie and Steven Nielsen of Lake Andes are practicing with Wagner this year and have been a nice addition to the Raider’s practice room. Our next competition is this Thursday, Dec. 7 against Burke/Gregory and Winner. Also, it is parents night so come out and support for our last home duals of the season.
Read moreThe head coach for the 2023-2024 Wagner Red Raider wrestling team is David Kocer. Coach Kocer is assisted by Jason Knebel and the JV/Jr. High coach is Jacob Ziegler. This is Coach Kocer’s fourth season as the Red Raiders head coach.
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