Children’s Book Week is May 6-12th. The Lake Andes Library works to celebrate children each day that we are open. You may ask how we do this and I will try to explain.
Read moreThe American Legion Auxiliary Greer Unit #11 is honoring Jim Bastemeyer as this month’s Veteran of the Month. Bastemeyer is a Vietnam and Cold War Veteran. Jim served in the National Guard from 1971 until 1977. The war with Vietnam ended in 1973 and the Cold War ended in 1991. Bastemeyer joined the National Guard in 1971 while he was still a junior in high school. He had six other classmates that also joined the Wagner National Guard Unit that same year. Jim attended both boot camp and his Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Knox, KY August 10th – December 17th of 1971. He received his AIT training as a supply clerk.
Read moreAndes Central JAG students went to St. Louis, Missouri for the National Career Development Conference April 16th-21st. Their days were filled with NCDC activities and ceremonies, meeting new people, as well as exploring the city. These students had a wonderful experience and did a great job representing Andes Central! Congratulations to Anais, Syrianna, Mahipya, Muriel, Kashton and Mr. Hooks on a job well done. Courtesy photo
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