Lake Andes Senior Living held their annual Valentine’s Day King and Queen Contest. The winners were King Paul Tracy and Queen Colleen Wiechmann.
Read moreOn Saturday, February 22nd the Red Raider Wrestlers participated in the Region 3B wrestling tournament in Winner, SD. The top 4 finishers in each weight class earned the right to wrestle at the State B tournament in Sioux Falls on February 27-29th. The Raiders came into the day with ten wrestlers hoping to punch their ticket to get to the state tournament. The effort was there, but at the end of the day, six young men from Wagner earned that right to wrestle next weekend.
Read moreFuneral services for Keith Deurmier, 84, of Armour were Monday, February 24 at the Crosby-Jaeger Funeral Home in Wagner. Burial was in the ZCBJ Cemetery, rural Wagner.
Read moreThe Wagner Fire Department would like to congratulate the following volunteers for reaching their milestone length of service awards: Lynn Soukup-20 yrs, Todd Link-5 yrs, John Holzbauer-5 yrs, Tim Leibel-1 yr. (Terence Krcil-1 yr, not pictured). Fire Chief Jason Von Eschen pictured congratulating firemen for their service. Thanks for your service as Volunteer Firemen for the Wagner Fire District! Courtesy Photo
Read moreGreer Post#11American Legion Auxiliary met February 20, 2020 at 8:00 p.m., with 14 members present. The meeting was called to order by President Juanita Stone. The opening prayer was read by Marge Stone. All members recited the pledge of allegiance and Auxiliary preamble. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Treasures report was given and approved by motion from Carol. No bills were presented at this time. Community service hours were recorded. Cards were sent out, thinking of you- three, Sympathy- two. Correspondence was read from District President Janice Coleman. Our District 8 membership is above 85%, therefore District has met its goal before Midwinter conference. Also an invitation was received from PlatteCampbell-Timmerman Unit # 115 Auxiliary for their 100th birthday on March 14, 2020. Membership report was given by Barb K., 76 paid and we need 78, to have full membership payments complete. Girls state nominations were discussed. Unfinished business was the Auxiliary Soup luncheon and Bake sale. The date has been set for April 3 from 11:00 to 2:00, Serving two soups, sandwiches and desserts at the Legion post. Raffle tickets and letters were handed out. Committees were set up: Soup chairwoman, Marge Stone, helpers, Jeanette F. , Lisa S., Marlene S,. Sandwich committee, Lisa Schoenfelder, helper, Bonnie S., Raffle and Door prizes, Linda Y. Bake sale Chrm. Janet Koupal, helper Juanita S. Members will bring bars and cookies for dessert and bake sale. Unfinished business of project Give 10 was brought forth by Marlene Stone. Discussion was had, and a motion by Barb C. To go ahead with it, second to motion Judy N., voted motion passed. Project will be carried out. New Business, nominated for member of the year was Lisa Schoenfelder, motion by Barb K. and second by Judy N., motion carried. Auxiliary will serve dinner next month, March, for our post birthday. Menu was decided, date is March 19. Members of Auxiliary will bring salads. Discussion was also on the good deed award which was tabled. Quarter basket was won by Rita K., and was donated back to the children and youth bank. No further business, the meeting was closed with prayer by Marge Stone, and adjourned by Juanita Stone at 8:45 p.m.
Read more“CASA volunteers serve as voices for children in court, and other settings, to give them a chance at finding permanent and stable homes,” said Jackie Horton, executive director for the First Circuit CASA program. “The effect CASA volunteers have on children’s lives during an uncertain time is significant. With 61 children in the area needing a volunteer to advocate for their safety and future, there is a great opportunity for ordinary citizens to have a positive impact on children’s lives. We desperately need more volunteers to serve our most vulnerable children.”
Read morePSALM 103:8-12 “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide (scold; blame; rebuke) neither will He keep His anger forever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins: nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As far as the East is from the West, so far hath He removed out transgressions from us.”(KJV)
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