We planned a late season pheasant hunt, and knew that the pheasantswereeducatedandvery spooky.
Read moreFrequently, my patients will come to a visit and bring up a major concern: “Doc, I think I might have dementia; my memory seems to be slipping.” They might give examples of having difficulty finding words, forgetting people’s names, or just feeling like their thinking is slower. Many of them know a family member who had dementia, and they are worried.
Read moreFishing, the practice of catching fish, dates back at least 40,000 years, originally fisherman caught fish in order to survive, Growing up in northeastern South Dakota, in Watertown, we were just one block away from the Big Sioux River and less than a mile from Lake Pelican, we didn’t have to go far to go fishing or angling.
Read moreI’ve always had a dog, as a kid, a lab, just a plain old dog, that brought us kids a lot of enjoyment.
Read moreWriting about grief is like writing about life—huge! Where does one start? It is like describing love: basically impossible. The comedian and late-night host Stephen Colbert lost his father and two older brothers in a tragic accident when he was young, and said, about grief, “It is a gift to exist, and with that gift comes suffering. If I am grateful for life, I must be grateful for all of it. I hope that grief stays with me because it is all the unexpressed love I didn’t get to tell you.”
Read moreThe art of hard water fishing has come a long way, since my brother AJ and got into the sport, back then, you had to be one tough hombre to as the equipment we used was prehistoric compared to what we have today.
Read moreAtmanyof mypresentations and seminars, I’m surprised by the number of people who don’t likethe“Wildtaste”of wildgame Aftermakingthatstatement, Iaskthem,“whatdoeswildtaste like,” many times, they’ll come back indicting the fishy taste in certain fish, or the wild game taste in venison.
Read moreMy son is one of the many Americans with cleft lip and palate. The specifics of each affected individual’s situation vary, but one thing they have in common is that they will be having surgery. Lots of surgery. Although most individuals with orofacial clefts, including my son, are otherwise healthy and lead normal lives, the process of restoring a normal smile, normal speech, normal chewing, involves many steps from birth into adulthood.
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