Regular Meeting of the Avon Board of Education Monday, March 13th, 2023, 6:30 PM Board Room Join Zoom Meeting
Read moreIfyouareaparentofasenior high school student or an adult who lives in the community and has thought about going on to get more education and training at Mitchell Technical College, Southeast Technical CollegeorLakeAreaTechnical College, but not sure how you would pay for this education and training, then you should read on. The Yankton Sioux Tribe and Build Dakota Partnership Scholarship and the WagnerAreaandBuildDakota Partnership Scholarship are both offering full ride scholarship thatwillhelpmeetthecost of tuition, books, fees and tools needed to get trained for a wide variety of technical jobs. This information has been mentioned state wide and locally for the past few months, except now the 'deadline to apply is here'. If you have an interest in building a better future for yourself, but the lack of money has been an obstacle then you need to contact Dana Sanderson by texting him at 605-4910804 'immediately before the opportunityhasslippedaway”. Good jobs are at the end of this educational opportunity!.
Read moreact to limit parole for violent crimes also called the “Truth in Sentencing bill”. The bill was heavily debated and supported by the State’s Attorneys, the Sheriff’s Association, and the attorney general. I supported the bill to protect the residents of South Dakota from violent crimes. The Tripp and Menno High School senior government classes and several homeSchool groups came to see us in action, as always, it’s a joy to meet thoseofourdistrict.Icannot believethereisonlyoneweek left. Time has flown by and much work is to be done and will be done.
Read moreAvon 15 4 9 14 12 54 ACDC 10 8 14 10 6 49 Avon Pirates hosted the Andes Central/Dakota Christian Thunder team on February 27 where the Pirates defeated the Thunder in overtime to take the win 54-49.
Read moreTwo weeks of the 2023 legislative session remain with the completion of Week 7. This week had several bills important to South Dakota’s number one industry which is Agriculture. Senate Bill 185 would have created a new government board and increased government regulations on Ag land owners in South Dakota. All the major Agriculture groups in South Dakota along with several business groups opposed SB 185. Government at all levels seems to grow and increase regulations all the time. I voted against SB 185; it was defeated in the Senate, 23 to 11.
Read moreThank you to the Alexandria Development Corporation for hostingacrackerbarrel.Itwas great to see so many people involved in the process and to hear their feedback.
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