On Friday, June 30, Wagner’s Post 11 American Legion team traveled to Corsica to play against the Padres of Mt. Vernon-Plankinton- Corsica-Stickney.
Read moreReading is such as important skill to practice the year round. Summer slump in reading is a real thing. If your child or you need new reading materials the library has many new selections to choose from. Book check out is still happening at the old library located at 500 Main Street. Computers are also still at the old library.
Read moreThe Bargain Shoppe in Tyndall has given away a total of $603,415. The volunteers have logged 1,629 hours so far this year! The Shoppe continues its mission “To promote selfless giving in Bon Homme County” by giving away $33,800 in 5 months. In January we gave $5,000 to the Tyndall Ambulance and $4,000 each to the Avon, Scotland, Springfield and Tabor Ambulances. In February we gave $800 to the Bon Homme After Prom Party and $500 each to the Avon & Scotland After Prom Parties. April- $1,000 was given to the Bon Homme 4H. May- $3,000 was dedicated to the Good Samaritan Society-Tyndall for the Walk of Flags. In June we made donations to the Bon Homme Snack Pack Program for $3,000 and $2,000 each to the Avon Backpack Program and the Scotland Snack Pack Program.
Read moreI am a firm believer that our upbringing makes us who we are. I often talk about how I grew up on our family farm with my parents giving me impossible things to do. By challenging me with seemingly unachievabletasks,mymom and dad taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to.
Read moreIn South Dakota, we take pride in a job well done. Our work ethic is often instilled in us from a young age – first at homeandschool,insports,and eventually in our first jobs. A first job is an important rite of passage that teaches values like teamwork and diligence, as well as the freedom and responsibility that come with earningapaycheck.Duringthe summer, it’s exciting to see so many young South Dakotans working across the state.
Read moreThe Bon Homme-Charles Mix County 4-H Horse Show washeldWednesday,June28th at the 7-N Arena in Springfield SD.JudgefortheshowwasEric Kobernusz, Mt. Vernon SD.
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