The third annual Avon Community Vacation Bible School is nearly here, and there is still time for families to register.
Read moreI appreciate the people in the Avon area who signed a letter of support for a turn lane on the north side of Avon. This letter was taken to the SD Transportation meeting in Sioux Falls. I was informed the request had been approved. This week a SD survey employee has started the process of getting informationsoblueprintscan be drawn up.
Read moreThe Annual Avon Volunteer Fire Department Appreciation Night was held Saturday, July 22nd with a meal followed by water fights and a street dance featuring Dustin Evans and the Good Times Band.
Read moreHayden Talsma of Avon, who is 16 years old, had the opportunity to travel to Cabo inFebruary2023onaHopeHaven International Ministries distribution trip. His mother, TinaTalsma,wasalsoapartof the volunteer group. Given the opportunity, Hayden went on his first big mission trip and it wasalife-changingexperience to say the least.
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