Feeding South Dakota food distribution will be held Wednesday,November29attheScotlandCommunityChurch at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon Fire Hall at 12 noon. The date is changed due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Read moreBonHommeDemocratshaveannouncedtheirraffledrawing Winners held November 4th in Avon. The winners are: Shotgun:DonHillofYankton;SouthDakotaDeerQuilt:Leon Fenhaus of Rapid City and South Dakota Pheasant Quilt: LeWayne Lukkes of Tyndall.
Read moreFor the last 44 years, Ron’s Market has been owned and operated by Ron and Linda Pelton. Ron’s Market is the Avon grocery store that has been in operation since June 27, 1979. They have also been a member of the Avon Chamber of Commerce since 1979. Ron and Linda joined the Avon Chamber of Commerce because they felt it was a good waytobeinvolvedandpromote the Avon community.
Read moreKatelyn Ulmer has been teaching2ndGradeinAvonfor eight years. A day in her classroom typically starts out with the second graders completing a morning paper, followed by calendar,dailynews,andshow and tell. Mrs. Ulmer says that shelovesdailynewsbecause“I get to hear about what’s going on in the lives of my students.” Herclassthenattendsspecialsmusic, library, or computers. The second graders love computers becausetheygettolearn how to type! After specials, the class completes their daily math lesson before enjoying a break at morning recess. The second graders are working on adding and subtracting two digitnumbers.Afterrecess,the second graders go to reading piratetimewhichiswherethey splitintogroupsamongvarious teachers and work on reading. Second grade concludes their morningbypracticingspelling words and then eating lunch andgoingtorecess.Intheafternoon, the second graders work onphonics.Afterphonics,they split into groups again, this time for math pirate time. The rest of the afternoon focuses on reading.
Read moreOn November 6th the school had its Fall Concert. It began with three musical selections fromtheJuniorhighchoirthen three musical selections from the Junior high band. All of the songs they played were all chosen themselves. After that, was three musical selections fromthehighschoolchoir.Next was three selections from the Highschoolband.Thelastsong at the end of the night was sung by the High school choir as a dedication to Mrs. Schultz’s father, who is battling cancer. The song’s title is “In Jesus Name,” for many people who are sick or have lost a loved one to sickness.
Read moreOn Wednesday, November 8, the Veterans Program was held in the auxiliary gym. The coloredguardPastorRushsaid some prayers and the student body president Kocmich and Mr. Culver did a little speech and a video. The choir sang a song called, There She Stands. The song is about the veterans who protect our country and Mr.Culvershowedsomevideos abouttheaboutformerveteran painted rocks in every county in Iowa. Then Pastor Rush did the closing prayer and then retreated the colored flags.
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