Ashlyn Koupal, a sophomore, hit her 1,000th career point during their game Friday evening at home against Avon. Koupal is a force to be reckoned with on both the offense and defense for the Wagner Raider girls basketball team.
Read moreDrivingalonghighway50going to or from Avon, one may have noticed a heartwarming brightly lit nativity scene on the front of the barn at the residence of Paul and Tracy Voigt. This nativity scenehasbeenapartofanannual tradition that began with Paul’s dad, Vert. Vert Voigt started decorating the barn with the nativity scene in the early 1980s. He begandecoratingtheyearthatthe characterswereavailableforsale. Vert liked the old-style barn with big red doors and the decorations fitwiththatstyle.Throughoutthe years, the nativity scene basics have stayed the same with a few small changes like the adding or taking away of little decorations such as angels or bells.
Read moreCongratulations to the following Southeast Technical College students that achieved the President’s List or Academic Honors during the Fall 2023 semester. To be named to the President’s List, students must be full-time (12 or more credits), seeking a degree and have a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. To receive Academic Honors, students must be enrolled part-time (6-12 credits), seeking a degree and have a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. Among those named to the President's List were: Madi Mudder, Avon - Dental Assisting Jaden Stahl, Avon - Horticulture Technology
Read moreAvon City Council will meet January 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Office Building. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 821 7650 5399 Passcode: 177782 AGENDA
Read moreTerran Talsma attended and competed in the steer wrestling event at the Junior World Finals in Las Vegas on December 12th through the 16th. His best overall time was 6.4 seconds (an average of his five times), which was good, but did not earn Terran a place at the Junior World Finals. He competed against 45 of the best steer wrestlers in the world. Although he did not place, it did not stop Terran from having an amazing and memorable experience at the event.
Read moreAvon Chamber of Commerece held an Ugly Sweater Contest at the double-header basketball game last Thursday. Photos by Barb Pechous
Read moreWiththerecentinformation coming out of Pierre about teacher salaries, I wanted to take the time to inform the AvonSchoolDistrictpatronsof whatourschoolboardhasdone to increase teacher salaries. A statement was made that administrators and school board members have not passed the increasesineducationfunding on to teacher salaries. I want to assure everyone that our school board has done its best
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