Friday Night Wagner traveled to Chamberlain to take on the Cubs. The Cubs got out to an early 21-0 lead on the Red Raider. Midway through the 2nd quarter Wagner
Read moreDistance running is an unusual sport. Theathletestepstothestarting line with the full realization that there will be no time-outs, no half-time breaks, and no rest from the time the event starts
Read moreThe Wagner Red Raider varsity volleyball team put away the Platte/Geddes Black Panthers on Tuesday, September 4th. With the 25-11, 25-10, 25-20, Wagner moves to a 6-1 record. I believe
Read moreNathan and Marcia Bierman of Lake Andes are proud to announce the birth of their son, Gavin Allen Bierman. Gavin was born August 20, 2018 at 2:48 p.m. He weighed
Read moreFuneral Mass for Marjorie Leibel, 96, of Wagner, was held Tuesday, August 28 at St. John’s Catholic Church in Wagner. Burial was in the parish cemetery, rural Wagner. Crosby-Jaeger Funeral
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