Due to the flooding this spring the bridge received damages which forced the bridge on 395th Avenue north of Wagner to close to traffic causing quite an inconvenience to those that use the road for their daily commute.
Read morePROVERBS 8:22-31 "The Lord possessed me in the beginning of His way, I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning,or ever the earth was. when there was no depths, I was brought forth: when there was no fountains abounding with water.
Read moreHave you ever heard of the concept déjà vu? The term itself is French and means, literally, “already seen.” Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as the feeling of having lived through the present situation before.
Read moreIt may be a bit intimidating walking into Lincoln High School with as big as the school is. But, this didn't scare the Wagner Red Raider Oral Interpretation Team one bit. The team performed to the best of their abilities and beyond.
Read moreHomecoming was held Monday, October 14 at Wagner High School. Pictured are your candidates, their campaign managers and your King and Queen.
Read moreWagner Red Raiders faced off against Chamberlain at home Friday evening and fought hard but came up short on the scoreboard 21-36. No coach's report was available at print time.
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