The SDSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Program has launched the first-ever South Dakota 4-H Legislature, a state-level civic and governmental education program created to provide South Dakota 4-H members with a better understanding of how our state government operates while strengthening youth voice opportunities.
Read moreThe Sportsmen Against Hunger (SAH) deer donation program will change in 2020 in that all deer and elk taken west of the Missouri River or out-of-state for donation in South Dakota must be tested for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) before they can be processed.
Read moreSDSU Extension will host Farmland for the Next Generation, an eight-week virtual workshop series, beginning August 31.
Read more2020 Make it with wool district contests have been scheduled in Aberdeen, Parker, Brookings, and Newell, SD. Contests will be held:
Read moreUnmarked seed packets are arriving in mailboxes around the United States with no explanation or reason and with a return address in China.
Read moreThe Game, Fish and Parks Commission removed the $20 administrative fee for lost or destroyed licenses, permits or game tags. However, the license agent’s fee established by SDCL 41-6-66.1 will still be charged by license agents and the department.
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