Imagine how just over one hundred years ago, nearly ⅓ of people in the upper Great Lakes and upper Midwest regions walked around with a goiter on their neck. A goiter is a lump on the throat, which could be as big as an orange, a grapefruit, or larger. Actually an enlargement of the thyroid gland, a goiter can come from an overactive thyroid gland, an under-active thyroid gland, or an autoimmune condition, but in the United States before the 1920s, the reason was almost always deficiency of iodine.
Read morePresident Elect Becky Brunsing called the Wagner Rotary Club to order last Wednesday, May 2 as President Rachel Woods had an unexpected development at her home. One of the fire calls that day was a grassfire in a corn field north of her residence, so she made a quick exit to be there and keep watch over the development. A good reminder for everyone to be on the alert for fires this spring. We are still very dry in this area. Farm machinery can accidentally start a fire when equipment comes in contact with rocks and sparks fly. Use caution everyone.
Read moreThe American Legion Greer Post #11 and The American Legion Auxiliary Greer Unit #11 would like to honor Roland and Mayme Crisman for their 70 and 65 years of continuous membership respectively. On April 20th, 2023, they each were presented with certificates by The Wagner American Legion Commander, Clayton Rados at the monthly meeting.
Read moreAll elders have a story to tell about their childhood and the life they led in the days gone by. However, not every elder is willing to share any of those childhood or life memories. The problem with not sharing them is the fact that they can be lost to time. Every memory has a lesson for someone to learn from. The 605 Unity Team is looking for those elders who are willing to share a few of those great memories with others during the 605 Unity JAM with is set for Sunday, June 11 at the Wagner Lake park.
Read moreThe academic achievements of the best and brightest students from the Class of 2023 were recognized recently at the 33rd Annual Academic Excellence Recognition luncheon.
Read more“Everyone must visit beautiful South Dakota. Pack your bags and rush to the car and start driving. With so many fun and exciting things to see and do, what will you do first?” Those are the words of an elementary school student who visited the Black Hills with his family last summer. He wrote a school report on his trip called “The Best Place to Visit.”
Read moreWagner Spring Varsity snagged a late lead and defeated Parker (SD) 16-6 on Sunday. The game was tied at six with Wagner Spring Varsity batting in the bottom of the fifth when Hunter Loeffler singled on the first pitch of the at bat, scoring two runs.
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