In a truly grand feat of modern science, The Human Genome Project, an international collaborative effort, set out in 1990 to map our genetic makeup using diverse human genetic samples. In 2003 the project was completed, ultimately showing about 20,000 human genes. Since that project’s completion, with everimproving DNA sequencing technology, genomics researchers continue to gather more and more information about human DNA.
Read moreA few weeks ago a recently widowed lady and avid column reader called. She wanted to know if I would look over her late husband’s guns and place an approximate value on them. Though I’m certainly not in the appraisal business, I told her I’d help her out. The guns ranged from a Colt AR-15 semiautomatic rifle to an antique Ithica double barrel shotgun with Damascus barrels and side hammers. Most of the appraisal was easy enough, but I had no idea as to the value of the old Ithica double barrel.
Read moreThe beginning of December brought above normal temperatures which many took advantage of. New storage units were built behind the Yankton Sioux Travel Plaza east of Pickstown, construction crews were busy around the area working on projects, Highway 50 Spur to 281 was completed and farmers were busy working their fields.
Read moreAgricultural producers can now make elections and enroll in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs for the 2021 crop year. The signup period opened Tuesday, Oct. 13. These key U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) safety-net programs help producers weather fluctuations in either revenue or price for certain crops, and more than $5 billion in payments are in the process of going out to producers who signed up for the 2019 crop year.
Read moreWith the roll out of the Covid 19 vaccines beginning this week in the United States, the library suggests everyone be an informed participant in the process. The best practice is to get information from reliable sources.
Read moreAndes Central/Dakota Christian hosted the Platte-Geddes Black Panthers Saturday, December 12 at Dakota Christian and secured the win 41-37.
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