South Dakota’s values and beliefs are rooted in our agricultural heritage and our boundless natural resources. Together they drive our economy, feed our families, and provide world class outdoor recreational opportunities. We all have a vested interest in protecting and preserving South Dakota’s agriculture and natural resources for our kids and grandkids.
Read moreBack in 1960 when I first came to South Dakota, road hunting for pheasants was a very popular activity. It amounted to driving country roads, spotting a rooster in the ditch or the first few corn rows, getting out of the car and flushing the bird, and then taking the shot. The driver watched his side, the passenger his respectively. At first it was very frustrating for me as I was looking for whole roosters. When one of the guys spotted a bird, I would look and look and see nothing. Eventually I learned how to spot a ringnecked head, a tail feather, or even an eye.
Read moreSome health problems are much larger than the health care system and cannot be fixed by doctors, nurses, hospitals, and the rest of the traditional health care team.
Read moreLast week the Wagner preschoolers dropped off a very well deserved sign that they made with their handprints and homemade cards. We also received blankets which were a wonderful gift from Farm Bureau, made by Sarah Veenstra(District 7 Women’s Committee Director) of New Holland, SD. They are made and donated to give to patients in need.
Read moreDalton Soulek, (Diesel Technology) of Sioux Falls and Kelby Kafka, (Construction Management Technician) of Wagner were named to the Southeast Technical College (Sioux Falls) President's List and Academic Honors have been granted to: Anna Ishmael, (Accounting) of Wagner and Tarra Pudwill, (Medical Assistant) of Sioux Falls.
Read moreECCLESIASTES 1:9,10 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything whereof it might be said, see, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us."(KJV)
Read moreThe library will be closing at 3:00 on New Year’s Eve and remain closed on Jan. 1 and 2nd. We wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2021. We will be back open on the 4th of January.
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