The Charles Mix County 4-H Club Junior Leaders Treasurer for the 2024-2025 season is Luke Dangel. Luke is the son of Mike and Tina Dangel and resides in Lake Andes. Luke has been a part of Charles Mix County 4-H for five years, beginning when he was eleven years old.
Read moreThismonth’sfeaturedvolunteer firefighter is Gregg Voigt. Gregg has been a member of the Avon Volunteer Fire Department for the past 20 years and is one of the first members of his family that he knows of to serveasafirefighter.Froma young age, Gregg knew that he wanted to be a firefighter. Duringhischildhood,Gregg had to extinguish a lawn mower fire at his grandparent’s farm.Afterthefirewas contained, seeing the look of relief and appreciation on his grandparents’ faces showed Gregg that being a firefighter was going to be a part of his future and would fit well with his disposition.
Read moreSIOUX FALLS, SD (01/08/2025)-- The following Southeast TechnicalCollegestudentswererecognizedonthePresident's List for academic achievement during the fall 2024 semester. TobenamedtothePresident'sList,studentsmustbeseeking a degree and have a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Read moreThe Sweet Clover 4-H club met on January 8 at 5 p.m. The Wolf family hosted.
Read moreAmerican Legion Greer Post #11 held its monthly meeting on December 19 with 38 members in attendance. Commander Rados thanked the cooks for a delicious meal. Chaplain Don Kotab gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members. Commander Rados then called the meeting to order.
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