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All Veterans will be honored at a special time during the Festival In The Park. This special honoring time will be held in front of the Veterans Memorial on the south east side of the Wagner City Park. The Memorial is also close to the entertainment stage area as well so it should be easy to locate. The entertainers at the Festival will pause their programing and focus on our Veterans during this special honoring time. Although the program will be only about 15 minutes in length and include a prayer, comments about how we feel about our veterans and some music, it is felt that taking the time for a short program is not only important to do, but will also leave a lasting memory for those who choose to attend.

All Veterans and their families are urged to attend this special honoring time so our Veterans can see the kind of community support that is felt for them and their service. For every Veteran, there is a family who also sacrificed as well and we want the opportunity to say “thank you”. This special program will begin at 2:45 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 2 and will conclude at 3:00. All Veterans and their families are urged to attend and gather at the memorial area a couple of minutes prior to the program so everyone in attendance can see who has been standing up for them in good times and in bad for all of these years. We encourage everyone to shake hands and recognize that it takes all of us, working together to make our country a safer and better place to live. A “thank you” can go a long way to helping make the sacrifices made all worth it.

Following the special program everyone is invited to take part in a “Free Watermelon Feed” that will take place at 3:30 on the raised area near the memorial. The watermelon is being provided by “Lighthouse” and it’s Youth Group who are here to change lives of people by following the teachings of Jesus Christ. “We love God and others. We are here offer hope to a hurting world.” This youth group is doing it’s part to help bring us all together. They will be providing the watermelon and serving it as well, so please take the time and thank the group for what they are doing as you go through the line and enjoy a great afternoon delight. We encourage our Veterans to start the line and everyone else to follow. Get your plate of watermelon and find a good spot in the park or near the entertainment stage area and enjoy the entertainment or even take your melon on the road as you walk around to see what the venders have for sale. Either way, you will enjoy the experience and the memory. See you there!