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Chamber News

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The August Chamber Meeting was held Monday August 13 at Boom’s.

Welcome Guests: Kylin and Ryder Insko.

Shout Outs: Lucy Leines, helping Leah with projects. Buches, referrals to Ruth for flowers. Radiance Spa for the awesome lash extensions for Kelsey. Town & Country and Leah Insko for their storefront improvements on Main Street, as well as the upgrades to City Hall. S&S Masonry, Bouza Construction, Current Solutions, they are very hard workers and getting the job done quickly at City Hall. Wagner Hospital for donating water to the school for their use and the Junior Class to sell it at concessions.

Approval of Minutes: First: Ken, Second: Katie

Approval of Financial Reports: First: Marla, Second: Leah

Crazy Days: the Crazy Days Block Party will take place on Wednesday August 15th from 4:00-7:00 in conjunction with the School’s open house that runs from 5:00-6:30. This year, we will not be offering the typical free meal; instead we are going to be doing gift card giveaways to various Chamber Businesses. We will also have a table of school supplies, so that every child that goes through the school open house will get a coupon to come down and get one free school supply donated by Chamber. Motion made by Becky to give the committee $700 to buy the gift cards and supplies, second by Lori. Motion passed.

Farmers Market: had a meeting to discuss the future of the Farmer’s Market. Discussion was had to have Kocer’s Fallen Timbers take over the farmer’s market with their big lot. Kelsey talked to Jody Kocer, and they would be willing to take that over next year.

Storefront Décor Contest: The next judging will be August 29th to get the community ready for Labor Day. The theme will be Labor Day/ Patriotic.

Labor Day Update: There are concerns about the concert being on Saturday night due to other conflicting events. The ladies luncheon was a big success. Dana Sanderson and the contestants are going around making the videos with the sponsors.

Boat2Beach Recap: They had a great turnout, but not thinking it will be a chamber event next year.

Pool Fundraising: They are planning a concert on September 15th at the Wagner Teener Baseball Field. There are two different bands playing, and different vendors will be set up. Possibly will have a beanbag tournament. There will be food, a beer garden, and outdoor games. Kelsey has been heading the committee for this event. Chamber will donate money to the fundraiser to help them get started. She has all the volunteers needed to fill all the time-slots. Motion by Jerry to donate $3,000 to the Pool Fundraiser, second, Sam. Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned: First Patti, Second Ken.

The following businesses were represented at this month’s Chamber Meeting: Apparel WorX, Commercial State Bank, Wagner Area Growth, City of Wagner, Wagner School, This That & More, Leah Insko Photography, First Dakota National Bank, Bechen & Company, Ft. Randall Federal Credit Union, Henke Piedmontese, Frei Insurance, Wipf & Cotton, Wagner Area Wellness Consortium, iFix Device Repair.