President Jordan Weber welcomed the Wagner Rotarians to the last Rotary meeting for the year 2024 on Wednesday, the 11th of December. Weber gave a prayer for all Rotarians to be mindful of the work they do in the community and strive to find opportunities to serve others.
Read moreThe Annual Christmas Candlelight Choir Service of Zion Lutheran Church of Delmont is scheduled for Sunday evening, December 22, at 7:00 p.m. Mixed choir music, congregational singing and scripture readings by Pastor Brian Lemcke will present the familiar story of Christ's birth and of prophecies fulfilled. There will be pre-service organ and piano music.
Read more10 Years Ago – 2014 Santa made a stop in Wagner. After pictures with Santa, a free movie was shown in the Wagner Theater to a large group of parents and children. These events were sponsored by the Wagner Chamber of Commerce.
Read moreThe library is pleased to announce that we have added a new section to the library. Large-print books have been added to a special section in the adult portion of the library. The large print books were purchased with funds from the Lutheran Social Services grant. Pictured below are three books from the large print section, fun books to read with short stories that may bring back memories for the reader. With Holiday vacation for Andes Central students beginning at 12 noon on Friday, Dec. 20th the library will be opening at 12:00 on that day. Closure for the Christmas holiday is Tuesday, the 24th and Wednesday the 25th. Happy Holidays from the library!
Read moreThe Wagner City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on December 2nd at 6 p.m. at City Hall. There was quite a list of items on the agenda, but only a couple of topics that led the council to discuss. These issues included the first reading of the Ordinance #2024-006 which is the Special Bed, Booze and Ticket Sale Ordinance also known as the BBB tax, the city pool and the search for a new city attorney.
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